Personalize your book for free

A "Look and Find" book with YOUR faces

seen on

You and your child as Super Heros, Secret Agents, Christmas Elves ...

Personalized books for children from the "My Dream Job" series with your faces.

  • 1 personalized 46 page printed book
  • Including 5 personalized puppets
  • Including 70 personalized cartoons
Personalize your book for free

Personalize your book for free

Look & Find Look & Find
Secret agent Secret agent
Clown Clown
Toy maker Toy maker
Christmas elves Christmas elves
Super Hero Super Hero

Look & Find

A "Look & Find" book personalized with your faces (you and your child), inspired by our award-winning series "My Dream Jobs". (You can insert another parent as well).
46 pages with incredible scenes, from firemen in action, to a travel in space, to chaos at the circus... where you will have to find the characters with your faces.
Including a game where you have to find 5 different objects in the scene. And finally a papertoy to build which has your child’s face
You and your child are starring in a "Where is Waldo?" kind of book. A "Look & Find" with your faces !

Secret agent

So here it is! Mom and her child are in BIG trouble!
A Very Bad guy is holding some very-very-nice people hostage.
Mom will have to transform into a Secret Agent and defeat the bad man using her hologram, lasso-hat, drilling arm and a … secret agent dog!
Compared to this 007 would look ridiculous.
Now it is your turn to personalize this book with your faces.

(Personalized Video episode included)


« Come on now, who stole my shoe? » asks Dad, who desperately needs to find it so he can do his show.
Is it the elephant? Is it the white clown and his water bucket? Is it the lion and the juggler? You and your child have several amusing avenues to explore.

A Clownish book.
Now it is your turn to personalize this book with your faces.

(Personalized Video episode included)

Toy maker

A very cute, ancient toyshop run by Dad opens its doors.
Robots, Pedal-cars, wooden Jumping-Jacks… incredible toys that Dad builds with love and affection but … that don’t work.
As soon as he starts them… they stop! Luckily Dad notices that the toys come to life when they are in contact with children.
Eureka! thinks Dad.
To be able to « live », a toy has to be loved by the kid using it. Your turn to love this book ;-)
Now it is your turn to personalize this book with your faces.
(Personalized Video episode included)

Christmas elves

Your Child is teaming up with Mom and Dad as … Christmas elves.


It is the day before Christmas and they did not wake up on time! So many things to do! Gifts to wrap, reindeer to motivate and… Santa Claus himself needs to be calmed down. An incredible and personalized book!
Now it is your turn to personalize this book with your faces.

(Personalized Video episode included)

Super Hero

« Hey, watch out! The Pram, the Prammmmm! »

Yes your child is in the pram and it is rolling towards the cliff? The river? The broken bridge?
Yes, towards all of them at the same time!
Luckily, Mom will transform into Super-Storm, Super-Metal, and Super-IceCube to save her child… she actually just turns into what she really is… a Super Mom!
Now it is your turn to personalize this book with your faces.

(Personalized Video episode included)

Uncompromising Moment of Complicity

« Kids develop a feeling of well being and trust when they see their parents. It is the Neurphysiological reflex. Personalized stories involving their family help to strengthen the child’s feeling of belonging. »

Melina H. ChildPsychiatrist.

Telling an educational story with your faces (and names) reserves moments of fun and wonderment without equal.

Books for quiet moments ...

TOP ! Very easy to create and very funny ! My daughter loved this and we (the parents) laughed a lot as well. Splendid books for kids that I really recommend to enjoy together… or relax while your child plays ;)
Antonia S.

Includes Puppets with your faces

A ToonYou book also contains some great DIY toy kits. At the end of the book find a how-to guide to build the toy of the job represented in the personalized episode.

You will be able to create the fireman, the astronaut, the doctor, the toy maker or the clown… with YOUR FACES printed on it. Toys and figurines called Papertoys to dream yourselves… out of the book as a Puppet.

Includes your personalized cartoons

Each month, pick several video episodes personalized with your faces, with the bonus of the book to go with it

A great way to go from the physical book to the wonderful world of Animation…everything is personalized.

"It is an incredible journey with your kid to understand the world around them"

Marlene Duretz from Le Monde

A completely original and unique "Look & Find" book

Get a unpublished version of our stories with you and your kid in the main roles.

A bedtime or morning book to help your kid learn about incredible jobs. Your kid will flick through this book and see themselves (and dad and mom) starring this amazing adventure.

Smile, Laugh (and a job ?) guaranteed ;)



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Trial Offer

Yeah ! Let’s Try It!

2 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 2 episodes from the library. Add your face and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus : get 1 free episode.

Discovery Offer

Let’s experience this, commitment free.

5 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 5 episodes from the library. Add your face in it and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus : get 1 free episode

Freedom Offer

I’d like to enjoy the best offer
then quit whenever I want.

5 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 5 episodes each month from the library. Add your face in it and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus, get 1 free episode


Trial Offer //with my family

2 Episodes customised
+1 extra episode customized

Total : 3 episodes customized

Choose 2 episodes from the Library and get one extra episode free. So a total of 3 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customised episodes for one month as many times as you want.

Trial Offer //Yeah ! Let’s Try It!

2 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
3 episodes customized

Choose 2 episodes from the Library and get one extra episode free. So a total of 3 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customised episodes for one month as many times as you want.

Discovery Offer //Let’s experience this, commitment free.

5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
6 episodes customized

Choose 5 episodes from the Library and get one extra free episode. So a total of 6 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customized episodes as many times as you want for one month.

Freedom Offer //I’d like to enjoy the best offer then quit whenever I want.

Starting now
5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Then every month
5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
6 episodes right now and
6 episodes every month

Choose 5 episodes from the Library and get one extra free episode. So a total of 6 episodes to customise with your family in it, as soon as you start the subscription.

  • Unsubscribe when you want directly through your account.
  • Every month get access to 5 new episodes to customise plus an extra one. So a total of 6 new episodes to customise every month.
  • Watch your customised episodes as many times as you want as long as you are a subscriber (limited to one month when you purchase a pack).
  • Get special access to the rest of the library to watch the episodes you may want to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).

