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Choose your offer

Trial Offer

Yeah ! Let’s Try It!

2 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 2 episodes from the library. Add your face and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus : get 1 free episode.

Discovery Offer

Let’s experience this, commitment free.

5 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 5 episodes from the library. Add your face in it and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus : get 1 free episode

Freedom Offer

I’d like to enjoy the best offer
then quit whenever I want.

5 episodes
+ 1 bonus


Choose 5 episodes each month from the library. Add your face in it and enjoy your own TV series.
Bonus, get 1 free episode


Trial Offer //with my family

2 Episodes customised
+1 extra episode customized

Total : 3 episodes customized

Choose 2 episodes from the Library and get one extra episode free. So a total of 3 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customised episodes for one month as many times as you want.

Trial Offer //Yeah ! Let’s Try It!

2 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
3 episodes customized

Choose 2 episodes from the Library and get one extra episode free. So a total of 3 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customised episodes for one month as many times as you want.

Discovery Offer //Let’s experience this, commitment free.

5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
6 episodes customized

Choose 5 episodes from the Library and get one extra free episode. So a total of 6 episodes to customise with your family in it.

  • Get access to the entire library to watch the other episodes you would like to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).
  • Watch your customized episodes as many times as you want for one month.

Freedom Offer //I’d like to enjoy the best offer then quit whenever I want.

Starting now
5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Then every month
5 Episodes
+1 extra episode

Total :
6 episodes right now and
6 episodes every month

Choose 5 episodes from the Library and get one extra free episode. So a total of 6 episodes to customise with your family in it, as soon as you start the subscription.

  • Unsubscribe when you want directly through your account.
  • Every month get access to 5 new episodes to customise plus an extra one. So a total of 6 new episodes to customise every month.
  • Watch your customised episodes as many times as you want as long as you are a subscriber (limited to one month when you purchase a pack).
  • Get special access to the rest of the library to watch the episodes you may want to customise.
  • Share the customised episodes with your family and friends to let them enjoy the fun (via email or social networks).

